To know which Linux distribution and version you have installed on your computer, follow this steps:
1-Open your terminal
2- Type the following command
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/issue
wmic bios get serialnumber
You will see something like this:
select count(a.first_name)as 'Duplicate Records',
a.actor_id,a. first_name
from actor a
group by a.first_name
HAVING count(a.first_name) > 1
path: /dispath/{template}
defaults: { _controller: REVCBlogBundle:Default:dispatch }
expose: true
public function dispatchAction($template)
return $this->render('REVCBundle:'.$template);
templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:home.html.twig"})
templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:home.html.twig"})
templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:edit.html.twig"})
templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:create.html.twig"})
<a data-method="delete"rel="nofollow" href='sign_out'>
<i class="fa fa-sign-out fa-fw"</i>Logout
After researching, I found the answer, you should add your html to the link_to helper as shown below:
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
TRUNCATE `users`;
TRUNCATE `articles`;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
Doing that, you will temporarily disabling referential constraint, and at the end you will enable the referential constraint.
TRUNCATE `articles`;
Basically , After the function "TRUNCATE" you have to write your table name , in this case is the table called " ARTICLES" .When you run this SQL sentence you will delete the whole data and the auto increment field will be reset.