
Showing posts with label REGEX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REGEX. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Regular Expressions You Should Know(REGEX)

In this section, I will be writing some REGEX that could be helpful  to your  projects.

REGEX #1: Numbers Separated by comma or blank spaces.Example(1,2 ,3  ,4)

   //Numbers Separated by comma or blank spaces

REGEX #2:  Only number

   //Only Number
REGEX #3: Alphanumeric

   //Only Alphanumeric 
REGEX #4: Validate URL (either http, https or IP number)

   //Validate URL (either htpp,https or IP number)
REGEX #5: Validate Emails. Example :

   //Validate emails

REGEX #6: Validate Hours format

//Validate Hours Format

REGEX #7: Validate date format

//Validate date Format

REGEX #8: Validate IP number format (IPV4)

//Validate IP number format (IPV4)

REGEX #9: Regular expression to limit number of characters to 10

//Limit number of characters to 10

REGEX #10: Regular expression: Match Not equal to the string "login"

//Match Not Equal to the string "login"

Friday, November 7, 2014

REGEX  :Identify Comma outside  Double Quotes

If  you want to identify each comma outside double quotes this is the regex:



but if you are using PHP the regex above  will not going to work ,so you can use this regex: 

Regex: (,)(?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)
