
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How to Reset auto increment after deleting a table row

To delete data and reset the auto increment field using MYSQL, we have a function called TRUNCATE which will help you to accomplish this task.



     TRUNCATE  `articles`;

Basically , After the function "TRUNCATE" you have to write your table name , in this case is the table called " ARTICLES" .When you run this SQL sentence you will delete the whole data and the auto increment field will be reset.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The most useful Rails 4 commands

These are some useful rails commands:

  • rails -v: Gets the rails version.
  • rails new: Generates the  application skeleton  and base files. (e.g rails new myBlog)
  • rails dbconsole: shows the database that  is currently on your system .
  • rails s or rails server: launches the web server (webrick)
  • rake db:migrate: Runs the migrations files that have not been run.
  • rails generate model: Creates the model and will create a migration file
  • rails generate controller: creates the controller in your application
  • rails generate model your_model_name --skip-migration: Generates the model but will not create the migration file.
  • rails generate migration : creates a migration file.
  • rails d migration your_migration_name:removes the migration file specify
  • rake db:rollback: roll back the most recent migration
  • rake routes:  Displays all routes configured in your rails application

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MYSQL Save the Last Id Inserted in a Variable

To save the last id inserted in a SQL variable , we need to do this:

INSERT INTO Users (user_name, user_email, user_address, user_city)
VALUES ('bryan.hamilton','','Av.21','ohio'); 

//we create a new variable called userLastId
 SET @userLastId = LAST_INSERT_ID( );

//now, we can use this varable in another sql sentence

INSERT INTO articles (art_title, art_body, art_user_id, art_created_at)
VALUES ('Geologic time scale','my body ..',@userLastId ,NOW());  

Basically, when you save the last id inserted in the variable that value is available to use it in others SQL sentences.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Phenomenon Disaster Videos

Home Destroyed by Furious Australia Storm

Tornado Disaster 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Convert a date into Timestamp in Javscript

To convert a date into timestamp milisecond  in JavaScript we are going to use the function new Date() that JavaScript provide  to deal with dates.

Basically, this is code:

//convert date into a timestamp milisecond
var oDate = new Date('2015','05','12','07','30','00');

//printing the timestamp   


The function  Date() , receives the following parameters:
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)

so,the Object oDate(Variable) has a method called getTime, that you can access to convert the date into a timeStamp.



NOTE: In javascript, the conversion to timestamp is in timestamp millisecond and not timestamp epoch. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Regular Expressions You Should Know(REGEX)

In this section, I will be writing some REGEX that could be helpful  to your  projects.

REGEX #1: Numbers Separated by comma or blank spaces.Example(1,2 ,3  ,4)

   //Numbers Separated by comma or blank spaces

REGEX #2:  Only number

   //Only Number
REGEX #3: Alphanumeric

   //Only Alphanumeric 
REGEX #4: Validate URL (either http, https or IP number)

   //Validate URL (either htpp,https or IP number)
REGEX #5: Validate Emails. Example :

   //Validate emails

REGEX #6: Validate Hours format

//Validate Hours Format

REGEX #7: Validate date format

//Validate date Format

REGEX #8: Validate IP number format (IPV4)

//Validate IP number format (IPV4)

REGEX #9: Regular expression to limit number of characters to 10

//Limit number of characters to 10

REGEX #10: Regular expression: Match Not equal to the string "login"

//Match Not Equal to the string "login"

Monday, May 11, 2015

How to Delete an element from an array?

In this post, we will answer the question : How to Delete an element from an array?

First of all , we  will create our own array called :$aFruits

   $aFruits = array('apple','lemon','grapes','pineapple');

Secondly,  if we want to delete the lemon element, we have to use the function called unset and we need to access to  that element by  its  position number.


 Array ( [0] => apple [2] => grapes [3] => pineapple )