These are some useful rails commands:
- rails -v: Gets the rails version.
- rails new: Generates the application skeleton and base files. (e.g rails new myBlog)
- rails dbconsole: shows the database that is currently on your system .
- rails s or rails server: launches the web server (webrick)
- rake db:migrate: Runs the migrations files that have not been run.
- rails generate model: Creates the model and will create a migration file
- rails generate controller: creates the controller in your application
- rails generate model your_model_name --skip-migration: Generates the model but will not create the migration file.
- rails generate migration : creates a migration file.
- rails d migration your_migration_name:removes the migration file specify
- rake db:rollback: roll back the most recent migration
- rake routes: Displays all routes configured in your rails application
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