
Monday, June 29, 2015

How to find a computer serial number from command prompt

Serial Number

Sometimes, you will want to find  the computer serial number on your computer to do that in an easy way you can do it typing the following code in your command console.

     wmic bios get serialnumber

You will see something like this:


Serial Number

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How To Find Duplicate Records in MYSQL

In this tutorial, I will explain how to find duplicate records in MYSQL.
I think the best way to explain is using an example:

This is our table called actors:

As you can see, we have  the name JULIO several times, which is fine because it won't affect anything, but what would happen if someone told you how many JULIO'S  we have in our actors tables?

To do that, we need the next SQL statement:

  select count(a.first_name)as 'Duplicate Records', 
        a.actor_id,a. first_name
  from actor a
 group by a.first_name 
  HAVING count(a.first_name) > 1



Basically, we've created  an extra  column  called duplicate Records that will tell us how many time  the name of Julio and the others names are repeated.

Friday, June 5, 2015

AngularJs + Symfony2 Dealing with routes

This tutorial intends to explain how to integrate Symfony2 routes and angularJs routes in order to understand how they are going to  communicate.

Step1: First of all, we need to install a bundle called FOSJsRoutingBundle that will help us to access to the symfony2 route from javascript.

Actually,it's easy to install this is the GIT repository: FOSJsRoutingBundle
And this is installation Method : How to install FOSJsRoutingBundle

Step2: Configure our symfony2 routes.We need to create our routes to access  specific actions or method.

in the file: src/REVC/BlogBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml

    path:     /dispath/{template}
    defaults: { _controller: REVCBlogBundle:Default:dispatch }
        expose: true

Because we are using the bundle FOSJsRoutingBundle, we need to expose our route.To avoid creating routes for each action,I've designed this route to receive a parameter which is the template name.

Step3: Create our controller for the route created.

in the file: src/REVC/BlogBundle/controller/ArticleController.php

       public function dispatchAction($template)
            return $this->render('REVCBundle:'.$template);


Having that controller, you will be able to access to any  template you want.

Of course, don't forget to  create yours template in :src/REVC/BlogBundle/Resources/views/Article

Step4: Finally, we need to create our AngularJs route:

I have created my angular files in : src/REVC/BlogBundle/Resources/public/js/app.js


                           templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:home.html.twig"})
                           templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:home.html.twig"})
                           templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:edit.html.twig"}) 
                           templateUrl: Routing.generate('rou_dispacher',{template:"Article:create.html.twig"}) 

As you can see , I have used the functions called Routing.generate that allows us to communicate with the symfony2 route.

Basically, the Routing.generate will accept the following parameters:


Having that configuration, it will be easy to work with AngularJs and Symfony2.

This is the screen shot  about the structure folder of my application.