
Monday, August 10, 2015

How to create a symbolic Link in linux

Basically, to create a symbolic  link in Linux you have to use the  command called ln as follows:
    ln -s /var/www/myapp/web/ /html/customerapp

the command ls has two parameter the target(/var/www/myapp/web/) and the source (/html/customerapp). The target  is the existing file/diretory and the source the file to be created.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Routing Error No route matches [GET] "/users/logout"

The message "Routing Error No route matches [GET] "/users/logout" is because you are sending the request via get and should be delete, so to fix it you have two options:

 The first one  is the  better, change the tag  link_to to button_to, doing that, rails will  do  the dirty work to send it as  a delete request.

The second one is not recommended, since DELETE is the appropiete RESTFUL query , but it works. Got to devise.rb change  config.sign_out_via = :delete to config.sign_out_via = :get


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to find which Linux distribution and version you are using?

To know  which Linux distribution and version you have installed on your computer,  follow this  steps:

1-Open your terminal
2- Type the following command

 cat /etc/issue


Monday, June 29, 2015

How to find a computer serial number from command prompt

Serial Number

Sometimes, you will want to find  the computer serial number on your computer to do that in an easy way you can do it typing the following code in your command console.

     wmic bios get serialnumber

You will see something like this:


Serial Number